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sophisticated software中文是什么意思

用"sophisticated software"造句"sophisticated software"怎么读"sophisticated software" in a sentence


  • 改进的软件


  • Gates and runners are additionally evaluated using this sophisticated software for multi - cavity runs
  • Thanks to personal computers and sophisticated software , bogus merchandise looks legitimate and can lure millions of consumers to take the bait
  • With broadband access , users will find themselves able to download movies , cd ' s and sophisticated software programs for free in a fraction of a second
    有了宽带网络,在短短数秒钟,网友们就可以轻易下载免费电影、 cd音乐以及一些精密的软件程序。
  • Study on power quality imposes specific requirements on the measuring devices . it also requires sophisticated software to handle large amount of real - time data
  • Along with the development of modern information requirement , it is very difficult to solve more and more complex question . at the same time , we need faster hardware and more sophisticated software to deal with the fact that a great deal large scale computing is emerging
  • The overall result is a second - generation modeling language that will help you develop more sophisticated software systems faster and more reliably - while allowing you to continue using the same type of intuition and expertise that is the bread and butter of every software developer
用"sophisticated software"造句  
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